Process Analysis

Our process analysis service enables deep diving into business processes and the identification of processes which shall be managed by BPM or RPA systems. In case these processes are already in place and operational, we model these and make suggestions regarding their automation from a technology standpoint.

As a first step, we identify and measure candidate business processes for automation. Process deep dive as a next step ensures that such processes are ready for automation. Next, the identification of all related persons, documents, data sources, IT systems and other measures happens. In case of RPA or integrated solution implementation, processes are analysed on the level of mouse clicks and keystrokes, as the UiPath RPA agent will perform exactly these tasks too.

Return on investment

Processes identified for automation are also analysed from a return on investment standpoint in order to ensure the business efficiency of the implementation. Therefore we identify how much workload can be saved by automating a given process and also measure the complexity of the process, since the more complex a process is, the more resources it will take to automate it. Ideal processes for automation are the ones which are relatively simple, yet require heavy human workload – thus, automating such processes can be done with reasonable resources and achieve great results in terms of ROI. Automations perspectives can also be refined during implementation projects to best fit business needs and remain efficient in terms of time, expenses and return.

Ideal processes for automation

There’s a number of influential factors which determine the level of efficiency and raison d’etre of process automation. Such factors appear at RPA, BPM and integrated automation implementations alike:

  • Complexity and verticals of a process
  • Consistent and standardized input data
  • Complexity of rule based decisions
  • Ratio and amount of unknown exceptions

Put simply, processes are relatively easy to automate with RPA or workflow solutions which:

  • Uses standard, consistent input data
  • Level of complexity and verticals allow cost efficient automation
  • Mostly rule based decisions can be applied
  • Low amount of exceptions

Business benefits

The following general business benefits can be achieved through RPA and workflow implementation:

  • Cost reduction through process automation
  • Speeding up operations, thus increasing productivity
  • Quality improvement through less human mistakes, errors
  • Flexibility – All our solutions can be scaled as needed, hence adopting to the current needs
  • Futureproof – as business needs change, workflow and RPA solutions can adopt to changing times through constant updates